lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Les Coulisses du Parfum, olfactory chords to educate your nose
The aromas and fragrances have always aroused the interest of man with personal tastes refined products previously only affordable to the wealthy. I found Les Coulisses du Parfum, osmoz kit.

There is currently a hodgepodge of perfumes, commercial and selective, and everyone smells here and there in a framework olfactory difficult to interpret and often chaotic: everyone thinks he knows what this new fragrance smells.

Differentiate recognize odors and flavors effectively requires training of the sense of smell. We can distinguish the scent of Ylang-Ylang Coconut if we have not smelled separately. Anyone who has not been in a garden with tomatoes, hardly remember that smell in a fragrance by Nina Ricci.


The smell is educated, like any other sense. You just have to be aware of the sensation that conveys the nose when we smell a note, whether natural or synthetic. But the difficulty is to find quality perfume products for that training. The only correct choice is in the hands of professionals.

There are three different boxes

Osmoz sells some kits olfactory sensational discoveries. Its collections of olfactory chords used in perfumery is presented in boxes ready to nose very personal experiences: Les Coulisses du Parfum.


Spending time smelling and tasting these raw materials hand of one of the most prestigious companies in the manufacturing world is a luxury fragrance unexpected and absolutely necessary to distinguish which contains the fragrance that you like or hate.

7 ml vials numbered

As you can see in the main photo, the chests contain different bottles of 7 ml. each, numbered for study and drying with 100 plus 40-page booklet olfactory exploration. The bottles contain raw materials and olfactory notes are intended only for the exercise of the nose, not recommended for use as perfume.

An educated and refined nose in perfumery is a personal background that conveys class and style. Personal satisfaction that you will discover a new world in your leisure time and your memory, once imbued with flavor, will never forget.

Jean Paul Guerlain y Thierry Wasser


Existen tres cofres distintos


Los frascos de 7 ml numerados

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