miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010

perfume - parfumu - parfum - fragance - fragancia :Burberry lanza su nueva fragancia, Burberry Sport Frangancy

En las imágenes del makinf off de la nueva campaña de Burberry podemos ver a la modelo Lily Donaldson y al actor Douglas Booth en una actitud muy natural y deportiva, donde el director creativo Christopher Bailey capta y ambienta la campaña en espacios al aire libre con mucha luz natural dando un toque desenfadado.
La fragancia femenina se sirve de los colores insignia de la colección para ella, el rojo y blanco. Una fragancia fresca, floral y ligeramente cítrica. Con toques de dinamismo y energía gracias al toque de mandarina, sal marina y jengibre, lo femenino viene de la mano de unas notas de magnolia que combina con la sensualidad de unos toques de almizcle entre otros.
Para él, el rojo y el negro son los colores icónicos para la colección sport masculina. Una fragancia energética llena de innovación. Una mezcla de muchas esencias entre las que destacan el jengibre helado y uva con el movimiento de brisa marina y enebrinas que acaban con un toque de ámbar seco dando la sensualidad que cualquier hombre que se precie, requiere.
Una fragancia llena de tradición para hombres y mujeres fieles a un estilo.

martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

perfume - parfumu - parfum - fragance - fragancia : Los perfumes que quedan en nuestros recuerdos


Aunque tarde cojo el relevo de Juana la loca.

¿Recuerdas un perfume? Lo primero me vienen olores: el café recién hecho, el olor de comida deliciosa que viene de la cocina de mi madre, la tierra mojada tras la tormenta de verano, las lechugas y los tomates de la huerta. A casi todos esos olores les acompaña un sabor que añoro. Está el recuerdo de olores desagradables que recuerdo con cariño (los “menudicos“ mientras son limpiados, alientos queridos que acaban de despertar, ... No sigo, que todavía tengo un placer infantil algo escatológico. El “Vicks VapoRub" no sé donde clasificarlo. Tampoco el olor del esmalte de uñas de mi madre.

Perfumes que me acompañan desde la infancia… ¿Sirven los polvos de talco? ¡Los productos “Avon” que compraban nuestras madres en esas reuniones! ¿La “Nivea”? Sí. La colonia "Nenuco" o algo parecido también estaba por ahí.

Leo en el diccionario. "Perfume": sustancia que se utiliza para dar buen olor. Entonces tengo que hacer cierto esfuerzo para echar mano de alguno de los botecicos que tengo al lado del lavabo. Es que me encanta oler simplemente a "persona limpita", a jabón. Y confieso que me voy encaprichando con geles y cremas corporales de suave aroma.

Entre los frascos de cristal tengo colonias de frutas (limón verde que traje de Menton y mandarina). Y mis preferidas son "Eau de Rochas", "Dolce & Gabbana" (era la colonia de mi madre y yo me envuelvo a veces con ella y me siento acompañada), y un aceite que olí a una amiga y ésta a su vez me lo regaló. Este pequeño bote es mi pequeña joyita olorosa quizás por ser desconocido y de dudosa procedencia. En letras minúsculas y en inglés el oloroso y pequeño "White Musk" reza así:

"Siente el regocijo del almizcle blanco. La tormenta en un frasco de perfume. Suaves notas de polvo de almizcle y delicados florales se mezclan suavemente con cálida vainilla para cautivar los sentidos dejandonos disfrutar de la tormenta del lujo."

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

perfume / fragance: Jean Paul Gaultier pulls out a limited edition of Le Male

If I had to think of one of the most gay perfumes, if only for the bottle and by advertising campaigns that promote, one of the elect would undoubtedly Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier. A powerful perfume, fresh and sweet, which is loved by some and hated by others, while indifferent to anyone who smells.

And since we are in times of crisis, and following the success of her perfume Le Male Jean Paul Gaultierha decided to continue operating this juicy vein, bringing to sell a limited edition of the famous perfume the torso of the sailor, under the new name "Super Le Male ".

If you have not and you're a fan of Jean Paul Galtier, you can buy the perfume in containers of 125 ml in drugstores and department stores.

Jean Paul Gaultier saca una edición limitada de Le Male

Si tuviera que pensar en uno de los perfumes más gays, aunque sólo sea por el frasco y por las campañas publicitarias que lo promocionan, uno de los elegidos sería sin duda Le Male, de Jean Paul Gaultier. Un perfume potente, fresco y dulce, que es amado por unos y odiados por otros, sin dejar indiferente a cualquiera que lo huela.

Y como estamos en época de crisis, y tras el éxito de su perfume Le Male, Jean Paul Gaultierha decidido seguir explotando este jugoso filón, sacando a la venta una edición limitada del famoso perfume del torso del marinerito, bajo el nuevo nombre de “Super Le Male”.

Si aún no lo tienes y eres fan de Jean Paul Galtier, puedes comprar el perfume en envases de 125 ml en perfumerías y grandes almacenes.

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

The sexy fragrance of orgasms

/ The Sunday Nation Pepe Jot

Human beings recognize and are excited due to the odors emanating from different parts of the body, as called pheromones contained in the sweat of men and women. And what with fluids Crotch is a bomb that activate all kinds of feelings and emotions. Odors: the radioactive glow of fever.

Today we will address the topic proposed by a reader: "Sex and smells." We could start by asking: what is the role of bodily odors becoming powerful stimulants and aphrodisiacs in humans?

Body odors play a significant role in sexual communication: they are a starter, a necessary prelude to copulation. Human beings recognize and are excited due to the odors emanating from different parts of the body, as called pheromones contained in the sweat of men and women. And what with fluids Crotch is a bomb that activate all kinds of feelings and emotions. Odors: the radioactive glow of fever.

In Hidden Paradise, a beach paradise Aztec, I became involved romantically with Dominique, a beautiful young French backpacker. On a hot summer, mezcal drank around a bonfire made of dry coconuts. Under the full moon, we interpret an afeirre in C major, transforming into a magical night for both. We witnessed an unforgettable scene of nature: the spawning of a dozen ancient calls loggerhead turtles. The loggerhead turtle nests from four to seven times per season, but unfortunately, Mexican fishermen steal their eggs to market to tourists: the oyster eggs (raw with lemon and salt) are highly sought to cure bad cane posfarra .

Before starting the sex session and animal-spirited, Dominique I smelled his armpits, self-inflicted ecstasy such that, unusually, wet his crotch, in abundance. Then: I was invited to sniff the armpits hairy as they were pretty good French. He removed his underwear and made me taste the curly pubes with my nose like a hound dog. That perfume sublime between urine and female traveler lumen excited me as a donkey in the spring. The Frenchy was a diaper full of pheromones, rebel and libertine. Dominique buried my nose in her pussy orange it smelled exquisitely camembert, roquefort cheese. Thanks to mutual odor Miscelanea we become two happy newly-oiled machine. Our odor was a series of chemical and biological reactions in our libido. I kissed her breasts with Third devotion. Pinned by the spark of passion, deliciously fucked nonstop, lying on a batik cloth, arranged on the white sand. Full, happy, happy: exchanging fluids, sharing the sexy scent of our orgasms. Exhausted, Dominique lay naked on his back and gaze at the stars in the sky. I could see two bright smiles: the mouth and the crotch. As he stood, was imprinted in the sand your spine like a necklace of pearls prehistoric.

When I've been fortunate to travel to France, this' sexy perfume "a sea turtle mixed with camembert, roquefort cheese, oyster buttocks and breasts with lemon Dominique imaginary are impregnated in the Parisian subway car. That excites me. The beautiful Dominique has a special place in memory of my sexual tickling. The heavenly smell of his armpits, the sparkling nectar of her pussy, spit boiling, the lumen sprouting from within and the Mapocho River waterway: perpetual pleasure with me until the last of my incarnations!

Another scent that drives me crazy is the scent of women impregnated in their necks. I remember one of my favorite books: "Perfume: Story of a murderer," novel by German writer Patrick Suskind, published in 1985 under the original title "Das Parfum, die Geschichte eines Mörders. "Perfume" transports the reader to a world that is unfamiliar, "the exciting realm of odors", through his protagonist, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. This psychopath tries to make a powerful aphrodisiac sexual perfume distilling the fat and hormones of women and harassing them insanely in love. Paper Magic, with scents.

The fragrance of female fluids I bring to mind one of my favorite movies: "Scent of a Woman". Al Pacino won an Oscar for his portrayal of Frank Slade, a former soldier blind maniac who is preparing for the last weekend of their lives. Al Pacino plays a blind Don Juan, able to smell the perfume exciting a female bodied distance. And what of "9 ½ Weeks" with Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger blindfolded. This session of sex in the kitchen with food is a classic chili, strawberries, cream, ice, tastes and smells explosives. Every woman wants to be seduced by men sensitive, playful, explorers of new emotions. Females seek light in smell. Looking blind, enlightened, spirited males who were charged the batteries with a good dust electric, energizing, sexy, tender and fragrant.

Speaking of national smells, there is nothing that smells more chilensis de la Vega. All tourists should sniff our culture and way of life by visiting this market for fruit and vegetables from Indian rogue. Tweaking the holes well, not missing the smell of the female sublime sexy latina, "the CASERITA" caliph, flirtatious and cachera indigenously. As a "virtual vaginauta" find my way between the shaved armpits of my beloved countrymen in hot pursuit of oily-skinned woman with the perfume my rainbow tickle their wayward pheromones. Many hugs and handshakes caseritas buttock to my beautiful, the desire ardently: Pepe Jot.

Los seres humanos reconocen y se excitan gracias a los olores que emanan de las diferentes partes del cuerpo, como las denominadas feromonas contenidas en el sudor de hombres y mujeres. Y qué decir con los fluidos de la entrepierna: son una bomba explosiva que activan todo tipo de sensaciones y emociones. Olores: el halo radiactivo de la calentura.

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Domingo 25 de octubre de 2009 | | Blog Columnistas

Hoy abordaremos el tema propuesto por una lectora: “Sexo y olores”. Podríamos partir preguntándonos: ¿qué función desempeñan los olores corpóreos transformándose en potentes estimulantes y afrodisíacos en los seres humanos?

Los olores corporales desempeñan un papel significativo en la comunicación sexual: son un motor de arranque, el necesario preámbulo para la copulación. Los seres humanos reconocen y se excitan gracias a los olores que emanan de las diferentes partes del cuerpo, como las denominadas feromonas contenidas en el sudor de hombres y mujeres. Y qué decir con los fluidos de la entrepierna: son una bomba explosiva que activan todo tipo de sensaciones y emociones. Olores: el halo radiactivo de la calentura.

En Paraíso Escondido, una paradisíaca playa azteca, me involucré sentimentalmente con Dominique, una joven y bella francesa mochilera. En un ardiente verano, bebimos mezcal en torno a una fogata hecha con cocos secos. Bajo la luna llena, interpretamos un afeirre en Do mayor, transformándose en una noche mágica para ambos. Fuimos testigos de una escena de la naturaleza inolvidable: el desove de una docena de tortugas milenarias llamadas caguamas. La tortuga caguama anida entre cuatro y siete veces por temporada, pero por desgracia, los pescadores mexicanos les roban los huevos para comercializarlos con los turistas: los huevos a la ostra (crudos con limón y sal) son muy cotizados para curar la caña mala posfarra.

Antes de comenzar la sesión de sexo fogoso y animalesco, Dominique me olió los sobacos, autoprovocándose un éxtasis tal, que, insólitamente, mojó su entrepierna, con abundancia. Acto seguido: me invitó a olerle las axilas que eran bastante peludas como buena francesa. Se sacó la ropa interior y me hizo saborearle el pubis rizado con mis narices como un perrito mastín. Ese perfume sublime entre orina y lumen de hembra viajera me excitó como un burro en primavera. La franchute era un culer repleto de feromonas, rebeldes y libertinas. Dominique enterró mi nariz en su coño anaranjado: olía exquisitamente a queso camembert-roquefort. Gracias al tutifruti de olores mutuos, nos transformamos en dos felices máquinas recién aceitadas. Nuestros olores provocaron una serie de reacciones químico-biológicas en nuestro libido. Le besé los senos con devoción tercermundista. Prendidos por la chispa de la pasión, follamos deliciosamente sin parar, acostados sobre una tela de batik, dispuesta sobre la arena blanca. Plenos, dichosos, felices: intercambiando los fluidos, compartiendo el perfume sexy de nuestros orgasmos. Exhausta, Dominique se acostó desnuda de espaldas a contemplar las estrellas del firmamento. Pude observar sus dos sonrisas luminosas: la de la boca y la de la entrepierna. Al ponerse de pie, quedó impresa en la arena su columna vertebral como un collar de perlas prehistórico.

Cuando he tenido la suerte de viajar a Francia, ese “perfume sexy” a tortuga marina mezclado con el queso camembert-roquefort, nalgas a la ostra y senos con limón imaginarios de Dominique están impregnados en los vagones del Metro parisino. Eso me excita. La bella Dominique ocupa un lugar privilegiado en la memoria de mis cosquillas sexuales. El paradisíaco olor de sus axilas, el néctar espumoso de su vulva, su saliva hirviente, el lumen brotando de su interior como el Mapocho River navegable: ¡un placer perpetuo que me acompañará hasta la última de mis reencarnaciones!

Otro olor que me vuelve loco es el perfume de las mujeres impregnado en sus cuellos. Me recuerda uno de mis libros favoritos: “El perfume: historia de un asesino”, novela del escritor alemán Patrick Süskind, publicada en 1985 bajo el título original “Das parfum, die geschichte eines mörders”. “El perfume” transporta al lector a un mundo con el que no está familiarizado, “el apasionante reino de los olores”, a través de su protagonista, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. Este sicópata trata de hacer un potente perfume sexual-afrodisíaco destilando la grasa y hormonas de las mujeres que acosa y de las cuales se enamora enfermizamente. Libro mágico, con olores.

La fragancia de los fluidos femeninos me traen a la memoria una de mis películas favoritas: “Perfume de mujer”. Al Pacino ganó el Oscar por su interpretación de Frank Slade, un ex militar ciego y maniático que se prepara para el último fin de semana de su vida. Al Pacino interpreta a un no vidente don Juan, capaz de oler el apasionante perfume corpóreo de una fémina a distancia. Y qué decir de “9 semanas y media” con Mickey Rourke y Kim Basinger con los ojos vendados. Esa sesión de sexo en la cocina con comida es un clásico: ají, frutillas, crema, hielo: sabores y olores explosivos. Toda mujer desea ser seducida por hombres sensibles, lúdicos, exploradores de emociones nuevas. Las hembras buscan la luz en el olfato. Buscan ciegos, iluminados, machos fogosos que les carguen las pilas con un buen polvo eléctrico, energizante, sexy, tierno y oloroso.

Hablando de olores nacionales, no hay nada más chilensis que los olores de la Vega. Todo turista debería olfatear nuestra cultura y modo de ser visitando este mercado de frutas y verduras del indio pícaro. Afinando bien los orificios, no falta ese olor sublime de la hembra sexy latina, “la caserita” califa, autóctonamente coqueta y cachera. Como un “vaginauta virtual”, me abro camino entre las axilas depiladas de mis amadas y calientes compatriotas en búsqueda de la mujer de piel aceitosa que perfume mis cosquillas con el arco iris de sus feromonas díscolas. Muchos abrazos y apretones de nalga para mis caseritas hermosas, las deseo fogosamente: Pepe Jot.

sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

perfume - parfumu - parfum - fragance - fragancia : To make your fragrance last longer:


or is there a silver bullet that gets you like so much perfume that lasts forever without losing its wonderful aroma, but if you take maximum advantage of your favorite fragrance notes to take care of our recommendations and thus get that last one little more.

* Watch out for heat. The perfume should be protected from light and heat. Keep it in its box, an excellent shield, or in a closet. Both light and heat alter their components and accelerate their decomposition.

* It is best to use it. No book is worth perfume for special occasions. Since it has natural ingredients, their durability is about two years. It is best to enjoy it slowly.

* What if it's 'XXL'? Have they given you a king-size your favorite perfume? To prevent damage is reached, go spilling the contents into a spray bottle pocket and preserve in a cool place protected from light.

* Always legal. Beware of products that are sold illegally. In the best cases, are only imitations that have neither attachment nor the same permanence as the original, and at worst they are stolen goods.

* Formats trip. Do not carry your usual fragrance purse. The movement alters the components and speeds decomposition. It is better to travel in a vaporizer.

* Skin type. Dry skin retain the smell worse than fats. To prolong its duration, may extend over a light layer of moisturizer.

* Mild haze. The best way is to surround your perfume mist. Vaporize the product in front of and above your head and takes a step forward to "enter" the rain is gently deposited on you.

* What to apply? Do not rub wrists with wrist Apply fragrance: alter its structure.

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

perfume - parfumu - parfum - fragance - fragancia : Prada anunció que su fragancia Infusion d'Iris

Foto: Prada
Foto: Prada

Recientemente la firma italiana Prada anunció que su fragancia Infusion d'Iris, la cual ha estado siempre entre las más vendidas, contará con la top model del momento, Lara Stone como principal imagen.

En una campaña fotografiada por el célebre Stephen Meisel, la modelo holandesa reemplaza así a Sasha Pivovarova, quien protagonizó los anuncios de la fragancia Eau de Toilette italiana desde que fue lanzada en 2007.

Los comentarios del sitio Fashion Spot acuerdan que la nueva campaña tiene un look muy similar a los anuncios anteriores que contaban con la modelo rusa como rostro.

Y es que los ojos cafés de Lara Stone aparecen azules en la nueva campaña de Prada, al igual que los ojos de Sasha. Sin embargo, la top model holandesa muestra más cuerpo en la imagen difundida, ya que aparece recostada con un vestido negro mostrando además unos hermosos zapatos de la firma italiana.

Cabe recordar que Lara Stone participó del último desfile que Prada montó en la Semana de la Moda Femenina de Milán Otoño-Invierno 2010-2011, mientras que también protagoniza el anuncio de la fragancia Versus de Versace.

La modelo holandesa cerró un exitoso año 2009 con diversos fichajes, pasarelas y portadas de revistas, y es de esperar que este 2010 también se quede con muchas campañas y desfiles. Ya que este año comenzó como principal rostro de la campaña Primavera-Verano 2010 de Louis Vuitton, reemplazando a la mismísima Madonna como imagen de la firma francesa.

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

perfume / fragance: Hajimemasu is a very famous and successful shoujo manga Minami Kanan

Hajimemasu is a very famous and successful shoujo manga Minami Kanan, on March 6 went on sale a perfume inspired by the protagonist Kyou, with only 200 pieces exclusive called Kyo-Kyou Koi Original Ver Kousui and described as citrus fragrance perfect for spring.

Unfortunately it sold out within hours, and it is expected that the official store ShoComic, throw some more Tsubaki including the girl.

Unbelievable, the Japanese shoujo paste enough, it is a shame that these parts can not get much T_T

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

perfume / fragance: a sign of the arrival of spring is the flowers.

If there is a sign of the arrival of spring is the flowers. Exit onto the streets, parks, your garden if you have it, and observe how plants and trees are already full of buds and buttons. Colorful welcome for the hot season of the year. And if a spring wine could be called, is made from the Torrontes grape, which together with the malbec, has become Argentina's signature grape.

If you enjoy scented wine will be happy to drink a copy of this variety, cold on a warm spring afternoon Ochoa, who is about to happen.

To explain the origin of the strain torrontés two versions, the first that he was born in Galicia, Spain, the other a spontaneous cross between the native girl named Argentine grape country called Chile and mission in California, grape who made the first wines in Mexico and they believe is the same as the list of Canary tight and perfumed Muscat of Alexandria.

In Argentina, where it currently occurs and is presumed, three kinds of torrontés: the Rioja (La Rioja Argentina, one of the oldest areas in wine production, although it is small), the Mendoza (Mendoza) and the sanjuanina (San Juan). It was the first to grow grapes in this country, achieved by the missionaries and Santiago del Estero cleric, who in 1557 planted the first vine cuttings from Chile, the mixtures of strains carried by them led to the criolla grape and the torrontés.

This strain produces a dry white wine with a very special fragrance, white flowers like jasmine and orange blossoms, and nutmeg, apricots, with a slightly bitter end to citrus peel, but must be careful during processing because of their tendency towards bitterness. The Torrontes grape is an unappetizing in appearance is almost golden color is rich and raw. It is grown especially in the province of Salta (where the most planted variety is the torrontés Rioja), to northern South American country, in La Rioja (where even the Cooperativa La Rioja produces a sparkling dry), and in the Cafayate Valley, emerged from the delta of the rivers Calchaque and Santa Maria, in northern Argentina, land of dust and rocks, gorges, red sand, rocks like the Gorge of the Arrows, where wines are produced sharper and cleaner.

A Spanish areas where they are grown in torrontés is Mondéjar in Castile and La Mancha, while claiming that their characteristics are not entirely similar.

A glass of cold torrontés is ideal to start a meal with snacks and fresh inputs (fresh fruit, sandwiches with creamy celery, or raw mushrooms with fresh cheeses, pastries, fresh cheeses), and raw seafood, green salad with strawberries Fresh pears and peaches, pasta with walnuts, chicken or fish with lemon, or you can close the menu and accompanying fresh citrus dessert. Personally I prefer to drink it with dessert. If you the scent of flowers is not something you like, then, avoid it.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Smell subjugated to the fragrances. The sensual pleasure is activated to enter the world of L'Occitane.


The rate in cities leads to lifestyles full of stressful situations: pollution, environmental noise and haste, for example, generate significant wear on the person. So after a day of tensions, it is good to get home and achieve a relaxed atmosphere.
"There is nothing better than arriving to your house and feel it has the scent of something that you chose," says Therese Kendall, a member of the company to have representatives in Argentina in the company of cosmetics and household L ' Occitane. He explains that "it makes you forget the street because you go into a sort of cocoon that protects you, and it is a reunion through the senses, that which nature spreads, something no one sees or feels."
Kendall emphasizes that "the fragrances are so important because there is no scent that reminds you of something: a childhood, a journey, a fragrance takes you to a special time, usually pleasant one. To give an example, says that in Mediterranean countries is a very precious tradition that is seen as a sign of generosity and courtesy perfume home to greet the guests, what they term "waters of welcome."
Of course, all these aromas, drawn from nature and converted into essential oils for the world, are métier de L'Occitane.

A true story
The company history is rooted in the earliest memories of Olivier Baussan, its founder, who in different seasons, walking from her parents' home to school, I felt the smell of the plants and trees in the region of Provence, France. Trapped by these images, at age 23, bought an old distillery, started producing the essential oil of rosemary and sell it in bottles at local markets.
Thanks to product acceptance, in 1976, was born L'Occitane. Four years later he opened the first boutique in Volx, a small town in the Haute-Provence, and 12 years later, the expansion of the brand in the world necessitated the construction of a major factory laboratory. In 1995, he opened the first store in Hong Kong and one in New York next year. Today the company has about a thousand stores in nearly 90 countries, five of which are in Argentina.
Wrapped in stories, "we at every moment a message, each product is a small story that touches the soul you or take you to a place-described Kendall, and that's important because people will lose the sense of tradition their origin. And mind, passionate, this company is the dream of a person who found it necessary that man was reunited with nature, something so generous that gives you everything without asking anything. "

Manifesto of the natural
The company philosophy is based on "respect for human beings." All signature products are natural and are made without dyes or minerals. The only animal product they use is honey. They do animal experiments. No children work. And most of the containers have information in Braille for "recognize the need of blind to choose their products." To unify a concept, the interviewee said that it was "all respect to what is an honest society."
To convey the spirit of the company, Kendall noted that "the line Cade, made from oils to essential oil of roses need tons of rose petals," and clarifies that it can be done artificially, "but when you say it is a fragrance of rose or orange, it really is extracted from the plant, root, leaf: it is of the plant. "
The difference between a product made from genuine materials and other artificial elements is that for example "you have with our soap fragrance from start to finish, not rolled in the bathroom, and has strengths that when people use recognized, and any cream ours that a small amount gives the result: do not need a kilo, "details the business.
"I promise you my cream is going to get wrinkles or you'll leave more beautiful, I can promise that you will protect that will improve your condition, but a wrinkle is a sign of life," says Kendall. He continues "I will prevent your skin from drying out, you have problems, but not to tell fantasies. That is what we call respect for the human being. " And it ensures that, for all this, when customers try the product maintains fidelity.

L'Occitane time for them
Men have dedicated space at L'Occitane. Kendall knows that they "have the same right to be careful and must have their space." In stores, you will find a full range of masculine items: shower gels, scrubs, perfumes, creams, deodorants and shaving products. As for preferences, as they are wanted for shaving products, and "love soaps.
Mind also that in Provence "the old people used olive oil and sugar to soften hands, this old tradition was modernized in the product line for men 'Cade' (Juniper), a shrub that grows in the bottom of the mountainside, and when the shepherds were hurt, pulled a branch, put the fire, drew their oil and it healed.

Lines and best sellers
Each line of items has the most varied ingredients: lavender, olive, orange, almond, honey, evergreen, vanilla, rose, verbena, among others. "It's a totally dynamic online with thousands of products," outlines Kendall. Within lines are perfumes, creams for face and body, soaps and bath gels, deodorants common glass and stone, hair products, and stylish household products (candles, incense, pillow mist, water Welcome and fragrances for the home).
The shea butter hand cream is one of the best sellers in the world. To stitch together the stories, Kendall noted that "the shea tree is a magic that occurs only in a climate, and only women can be harvested because it is the tree of life" and explains that a product is so noble that it used " for beauty, to eat and cleanse newborns. The small nut shea from Africa, is ideal for dry sensitive skins as it nurtures and renews cells.

Also hotel and spa
The entrepreneur explains that there are two ways to link the firm with the spa: "you can have a complete spa designed by L'Occitane, following a philosophy that there is nothing mechanical, all natural, or you can have your spa with our products ". And it highlights that there is also a line of products for hotels, which is already being used in some boutiques in the country.
These subtle pleasures that conquer the senses can be found in stores in a few hotels and occasionally in a spa, and rush from a careful mystique. To complete and reinforce the company philosophy, Therese Kendall surmises that "the love you put into everything he does, makes the other person feel good, and that is our greatest desire.